Facebook Ads FAQ

Facebook user value is also known as ad quality relevance. This is one of the crucial factors that Facebook ads algorithms use to assess whether to show a user an ad and how much the advertiser will pay. The focus is on the quality of the user experience. As a result, low quality or irrelevant ads are not prioritized by Facebook. The following are some key components from third parties that Facebook uses to determine the relevance and usefulness of an ad before it advertises it. 

Landing Page. Click backs from land pages are measured to filter out any malware infected or poorly optimized landing pages. The landing page experience is measured holistically. 

Clickthrough Rates (CTRs). The higher the number of clicks, the easier it is to determine the quality and user experience of the ad. 

User Feedback. When there are more negative reports on an ad, it signifies its poor quality. 

Ad Quality. This includes all the factors that can negatively affect the quality of the ad. 

Ad Relevance Diagnostics. This is a metric that is used to measure the relevance of an ad in relation to the target audience. 

Improving the user value of your Facebook ads is very important. It also lowers the amount that you can end up paying on your CPMs. When ads are created and are well targeted, it ensures that the ad value is optimized and improves the overall user experience.

Since Facebook user value is the metric used to standardize the relevance quality of an ad, it requires CTR and CPA (Cost Per Action) as ad performance benchmarks. 

CTR has always been considered as the standard benchmark to measure a campaign’s performance, but it is only one metric and cannot measure the overall success of an ad campaign. CTR and CPA are used to measure different aspects of the ad campaign, so if is important for a business to know when to use each metric and what it measures. 

Ensuring that the Facebook user value remains high quality is a great way to utilize CTR and CPA into your ad campaign. When the Facebook user value is high, it is easier to determine the ad relevance without solely relying on these benchmarks to measure its success. 

Facebook ads are highly competitive. If your ads are not optimized they may not work the way that you need them to. This can affect several factors such as not reaching your target audience which can affect the relevancy of your ads. You should never run a Facebook ad campaign without any optimization. Using Facebook’s Ad Manager as a guideline for the optimization rules can help your campaign to perform better, yield high CTR and obtain good results. 

Understanding why you need to optimize your ad campaign is one thing, but knowing how to apply the rules for your campaign is the other significant component towards ensuring success of your campaign. 

The following are some tips that you can use to improve your ad campaign’s performance. 

Automatically Cap the Ad Campaign’s Frequency 

You can set a limit to the frequency of your ad campaign once it reaches the targeted goal. The frequency can range from capping your number of impressions daily, weekly or monthly. 

Target the Right Customers 

It is easy to misdirect focus towards the least likely target audience for your ad campaign. To ensure that you are using your resources adequately, you should target the audience that is ideally suited for your business goals. Selecting your audience manually can help reach the core target customers faster. Targeting users that you have already connected with can assist with driving more sales while nurturing new leads. 

Promote in Multiple Ad Sets 

Duplicating an ad set is unnecessary, it wastes valuable time. This is why it is important to promote a single ad post in multiple ad sets. Facebook’s Power Editor is an essential tool to ensure that one post is shared across multiple ads. 

Increase Bids To Gain More Exposure 

Cost per acquisition (CPA) matters more than Cost per clicks (CPC). As a result, you may have to increase bids to gain more customers.

Identify Well Performing Ad Placements and Times

Running your ad across different eligible placement platforms is important. However, you should know that not every placement works for every type of ad campaign. Facebook’s Ad Manager gives you an overview of how your ad Placements have worked in the past. You can also make adjustments according to what has worked or hasn’t worked before. 

The data for the best time of day to post is also available under “campaign view”. You can assess which times can yield the best results and which ones have the highest CTR. It’s easier to post ads on a schedule once you know about your time performance history. 

Bidding CPC or CPM is not sufficient if the ad campaign is not optimized. You need to use Facebook’s Ad Manager to navigate the rules and to achieve optimal results. 

How important is setting up conversion tracking if I want people to visit my website?

Conversion tracking is one of the most effective solutions to see how much your ad clicks are able to lead to desired customer activity on your website. Facebook offers its advertisers Facebook Pixel to track customer’s activity and conversions from website visitors. You can access the tracked conversions on the Facebook Ad Manager and Facebook Analytics dashboards. This is where you will be able to analyze how effective your conversion funnel is and calculate the return of ad investment (ROI). 

Tracked conversions are essential for defining the custom target audience to create ad optimization and dynamic ad campaigns. Moreover, Facebook helps you to identify other users that would be most likely to convert and target them with your ad campaign. 

If you want to track conversions with Facebook Pixels, these are the following ways that are provided. 

  • Standard events. These are defined visitor actions that can be reported as a pixel function. 
  • Custom events. These are defined visitor actions that are also reported as a pixel function. 
  • Custom conversions. These are automatically tracked visitor actions. The tracking is done when they parse your website’s referral URLs. 

If you want to utilize the Facebook pixels tool, you need to have the base code installed on every page where you need to track conversions. You can also include optional parameters that can allow you to provide any additional information about the activity of your websites visitors. These parameters are valuable for further defining any custom audiences that you create on the platform. 

Should I send people to my website, squeeze page, timeline, or a specific post?

The answer is a bit complicated because each option has its pros and cons. There is an insurmountable value of publishing your posts on each platform, but the most effective strategy is the combination of all platform options to attain the most out of your ad campaign. Below are some key points to consider for each option.


A website can leverage your organic traffic and increase your overall traffic. This is an ideal way to optimize better user experience. However, any technical issues that may affect your website will have an adverse impact on your ad campaign. 

Squeeze/Landing Page

As an advertiser, you are provided with a unique campaign URL that can be used to publish on any network or as a landing page. The benefits of using a landing page to publish your content is that you can share the campaign URL across any marketing channel. It allows you to have more design freedom which provides you with better campaign dimensions. You also don’t have to worry about any social network policy changes.

However, it is not connected to your website. As a result, you will spend extra time and effort to ensure that it is aligned with the consistency of your brand. You can customize the campaign URL to incorporate your brand identity. 

Timeline or Specific Post (Facebook)

Facebook Pages offer users campaigns that are installed as tabs or apps. This is ideal if you are looking for an exclusive campaign that includes Facebook specific features to help keep your target audience within the social network. It is a valuable marketing strategy for brands that desire to grow their presence on Facebook. 

However, your reach will be limited to the Facebook social network. This means that your campaign will be limited to viewer views and entries as opposed to when it is published on the web because a high fan count on the page does not mean an increase in viewership. Additionally, your campaign will be restricted by the long list of guidelines that Facebook has. 

To bring in more revenue for your business, you need to know how to connect with your customers. Knowing where your target audience is can help you deliver quality content at the right time and in the right format. It is essential to know where your demographics spend most of their time and how to target them accordingly. Creating a customer persona is the first step towards defining your ideal customer. The characteristics of your ideal customers will vary depending on a myriad of factors. For instance, the age, income, location and pain points that they experience are some of the highlights that should be included in your customer persona. If you have not yet defined your customer persona you can assess your existing data, create surveys and engage with your sales and support team to understand your target audience better. 

Once you have established a well-defined customer persona, you will be able to determine the appropriate device to target a specific demographic. Below is some demographic data based on major device usage. 

  • Radio. This device reaches more people as a form of digital media with consistent engagement across age groups. 
  • Television. While TVs are found in majority households, the rise of live-streaming has affected traditional television services. If your target audience is older people who are closer to retirement age, then it is the best device to use.
  • Computers. There has been a significant increase in the number of internet users. People generally engage blog posts, video content and do search engine marketing on their computers. 
  • Smartphones. Almost every adult in the owns a smartphone. They are useful for effective digital and search engine optimization. 

Facebook advertising is similar to other digital marketing platforms. It has an array of advantages as well as a couple of drawbacks. For instance, it diminishes organic reach because you have to pay to get your ads viewed by a larger crowd. There is also a widely known issue with the platform misreporting some metrics. Sometimes metrics are inflated in favor of Facebook. Even though Facebook has published measures that are there to remedy this misreporting of metrics, only time will tell if they will rectify the problem. 

Additionally, doing your own Facebook ads requires a sizable budget to obtain the desired results. This has created a shift as the most preferred social networking platform. If you want to do your own ads on Facebook, you should consider the risks as much as you would consider the advantages. 

There are several methods that are considered effective for advertising on Facebook. Below are some that are considered the most common. 

  • Know Your Target Market 

Knowing your target audience first will give better content direction and assist with budgeting techniques. However, Facebook is a social networking platform, so you cannot rely on SEO strategies such as keywords to grow your revenue. You need to incorporate complex audience targeting options. 

  • Choose The Appropriate Ad

You should know which ad types are the most effective on Facebook. The most common ones being image ads, video poll ads, carousel ads, and dynamic Facebook ads. 

  • Use Automatic Placement 

This is the most time-saving way to target where your ads will be placed on the feed to reach customers. 

  • Engage With Your Followers 

When you know what appeals to your customers, you will have better results in the long run. Additionally, it will assist with planning your budget. 

This is the strategy that most business owners use for targeting past visitors to their site. You can track the rate at which people visit your site until they reach the conversion point. Facebook pixel allows you to identify any visitors who bounced before being converted. The targeted ad will be based on their buying behaviour. 

Facebook remarketing offers your ad campaign the biggest benefits such as providing essential information to marketers about what the target audience prefers. You can also automatically customize ads for every customer because you have access to information about what interests them. This ensures that you keep your loyal customers coming back. If you want to remarket to your website visitors, you can install the Facebook pixel tool to make it easier to specify your target audience. There are free analytics tools and attribution reports that can make it easier to achieve your Facebook remarketing goals. 

According to Facebook, your Relevancy score is determined by the high number of positive interactions that your ad gains. This score is constantly updated as more people share positive feedback. The reasons listed below are why the Relevancy score matters. 

  • It can lower the costs that you have to pay to reach the right kind of target audience. 
  • It can help advertisers to test a varied combination of ad creative strategies with different audiences to figure out which one works best to deliver a higher Relevancy score. 
  • It is an effective approach towards optimizing campaigns that are already in progress.

However, when using the Relevancy score it is essential to understand that it is not an indicator of how your ad campaign is performing. Instead, it should be used as a way to reach your target audience at lower costs. Moreover, it can be used as a benchmark to test and retest your ad creative and ad targeting strategies. 

There is no specific answer to this because the amount is generally determined by various factors. For instance, you risk tolerance, the average cost-per-purchase of your products, and your budget goals play a significant role in calculating the amount to budget for your ad campaign. The average costs though can vary between $0.50 and $2.00 per click. If you feel as if your ad costs are too high, you can reduce them by doing the following. 

  • Doing a split test. 
  • Maintaining a high Relevancy score. 
  • Maintaining one focus goal at a time. 
  • Keep your ads relevant and fresh to interest your audience. 
  • Specify what type of audience you need to reach for each campaign. 
  • Use Facebook remarketing. 
  • Try to cap your bids. 

Facebook uses CPM or Cost per thousand impressions which makes it easy to see when your bid is not competitive. This can help you estimate the number of overall impressions or clicks that your ad will gain.

Using automated messaging software that incorporates Artificial Intelligence to communicate with customers has become the popular thing in digital marketing. These chatbots are programmed to provide answers to queries and execute different tasks. They ensure convenience and time saving for customers. A Facebook Messenger bot is used to effectively scale the Facebook Messenger Marketing strategy. These chatbots can do the following for your business. 

  • They can reach your target audience directly.
  • They save your business time and money by providing efficient customer support. 
  • They make it easier to identify and generate new leads.
  • They can handle ecommerce transactions effectively. 
  • They make it easy to use Facebook remarketing by engaging existing customers. 

Chatbots are used uniquely by each business to meet its specific needs. There are two categories of chatbots that you can utilize for your business, self-service or enterprise that can be integrated with Hootsuite. When you use a Facebook Messenger Marketing bot you can use the following tips.

  • Set clear expectations of what you want your business to achieve.
  • Understand what the expectations of your customers are and identify if you can meet them.
  • Incorporate personalization to target loyal customers. 
  • Be transparent in how your business marketing strategy can affect your customers. 
  • Provide customers with the alternative to interact with a human when the automated bot cannot provide the desired conversation results. 
  • You need to keep on learning and integrate your chatbot into your marketing strategy to measure its performance.

Automation is a convenient way to optimize your adverts and increase your user experience. 

Lookalike Audiences is a term that is used to collectively describe a group of prospective customers who are likely to be interested in the same things as your current customers. This type of audience can be created by using custom features that are available on Facebook pixel. The creation process offers you a wide range of options such as picking the ideal size for your campaign that will closely match the source audience. Source quality is important, so it is recommended that you do not create a larger lookalike audience because it minimizes the similar characteristics between the source audience and the target audience. 

The following are some points that you need to consider when you create your Lookalike Audience.

  • The target audience and the source audience need to be from the same country. 
  • You can create up to 500 Lookalike Audiences from a single source audience. 
  • These multiple Lookalike Audiences can be used at the same time for a single ad test.

The Custom Audience feature on Facebook allows you to target people who are your target audience that are on Facebook. Sources such as website traffic, customer lists, and customer engagement results can be used to create custom audiences from people that are already your connections on Facebook and who are familiar with your business offering. The following are the four types of Custom Audiences that you can create on Facebook. 

  • Website custom audiences 
  • Customer list custom audiences 
  • App activity custom audiences
  • Engagement custom audiences 

The benefit of growing your business is that you can use your Custom Audiences to create a Lookalike Audience to target users with similar interests. 

Knowing what type of ad to run on your Facebook ad campaign is important. It is an essential element of your strategy to ensure that you achieve the desired results. The following are the types of ads that you can find on Facebook. 

  • Image ads. These are simple form ads that are ideal for a beginner to start their marketing journey on Facebook. You simply need to boost an existing post with an image from your page. 
  • Video ads. These ads can either appear as stream ads or run as short ads in the Stories or Newsfeed sections. They can take a creative approach and include gifs or other interesting animations to capture the attention of prospective customers. 
  • Poll ads. This ad format is available on mobile device only. It is an interactive approach of combining videos and polls to rally responses from your users. 
  • Carousel ads. These ads use multiple images or videos to deliver relevant information about your products or services. This is an effective way to highlight the different benefits of your products. Each displayed image or video can be embedded with a unique link that takes viewers directly to a sales page of the accompanying image. 
  • Slideshow ads. This is a simple way to create a slideshow by using different still images or videos. They save on data consumption while providing eye-catching motion. 
  • Collection ads. These are paid ads available on mobile devices only. They are paired with instant experiences to allow purchasing without having to leave Facebook. The primary image or video offers enough information to capture audience interest. 
  • Instant experience ads. Formerly known as Canvas, these full-screen ads load faster than most mobile websites that are outside the Facebook platform. 
  • Lead ads. These ads are only available for mobile devices to make it easier to upload information without much typing. They are great for signing up users and tracking their subscriptions to newsletters.
  • Dynamic ads. These allow businesses to target products to customers who are most likely to be interested. They are also a great way to remind prospective customers to complete their purchases if they bounced. 
  • Messenger ads. These are desired ads that are compiled by chatbots. They feature a call-to-action to have a one-on-one conversation with customer support. 
  • Stories ads. The format is vertical full screen video and is effective on mobile devices. 
  • Augmented reality ads. They include animations and other features that can allow viewers to interact with your brand. They can be used to expanding your reach.

It depends on the target goals of your ad campaign. Both platforms offer different things that are dependent on what is required for a successful ad campaign. The answer relies on many factors such as your budget, what your campaign is targeting and the product landscape that you are in. Both these platforms have been proven to yield effective performance results. As a result, certain considerations need to be taken when deciding which is better for your ad campaign strategy. 

For instance, you need to research your industry and identify the competitors and then define the objectives of your campaign. Understanding the different stages of the buyer’s journey is important to create a useful product offering that is also conscious of navigating demographic-sensitive products or services. 

Facebook Ads

Also known as paid social, Facebook Ads has changed the way that social networks navigate business. They offer businesses the ability to pinpoint their target consumers and to advertise their products or services to people who would most likely purchase from them. 

It has changed the world of digital marketing by helping consumers find businesses instead of businesses spending a lot of time on finding consumers. The following are advantages of advertising on Facebook. 

  • Facebook boasts of an unparalleled audience granularity. Features such as Lookalike Audiences allow advertisers to double the potential reach of their ad campaigns. 
  • Its inherent visual identity allows advertisers to take advantage of uploading persuasive videos that can convey an inspirational message. This is a massive selling point for many advertisers. 
  • Businesses and markets alike laud Facebook for its ability of ensuring incredible return on ad investment (ROI) with affordable and highly competitive pricing options. 

Google Ads

The main advantage for advertisers to use Google’s Adwords is that Google is the most used search engine. This means that it fields numerous queries in minutes and allows advertisers to access unprecedented potential target audiences who are actively searching for products and services that your business offers. The platform offers advertisers two primary networks, the Search Network which allows advertisers to optimize SEO to target new customers and the Display Network that allows advertisers to incorporate visual media such as banners or videos to their ad campaigns. The following are some key benefits of using Google Adwords to run your ad campaign.

  • The audience potential is immense. 
  • The competition is highly leveled out fairly. 
  • There is a wide range of ad formats to choose from depending on your budget. 

The ad format that you choose will depend on your ad campaign objectives. These objectives are also responsible for the placement of your ad on digital marketing platforms. The following are the ad formats that are recommended by Facebook. 

  • Images. These are the common types of ad formats that Facebook recommends if you are starting your ad campaign journey. 
  • Videos. You can use the video format for your ads to make them more interesting on the News Feed. 
  • Carousel. You can showcase up to 10 images or videos in one ad that has its own link to your website. 
  • Instant experience. It is an ad in full screen mode once the user taps on your video ad. The advantage of using this format is that it visually highlights your brand and the products and services offering. 
  • Collection ads. Similar to Instant Experience ads, this format supports user engagement. It offers the browsing of products and services in a visually immersive way on a mobile device. 

If your business requires generating leads to drive conversions, Facebook has the right kind of tools such as Instant Forms that can help interested viewers to sign up, stay in touch and engaged with your business. You can start conversations with the Messages objective which delivers ads to people who would most likely be interested in what your business offers. The ads are able to start conversations with prospective customers on Messenger, Instagram or WhatsApp. Sponsored messages are an effective way to reengage prospective conversions.

The Engagement Custom Audiences feature allows you to reach the people who had engaged with your ad campaign but did not convert. Moreover, the Lookalike Audiences feature allows you access to audiences who are similar to those that engage with your business. Generating sales leads provides you with several measurement tools that can create reports and export them via Ads Insights API or Ads Manager to actively measure the number of sales leads that you have generated. It is estimated that sales leads increase conversion rates by 13% and the quality of sales leads is further increased by 5%. 

Sometimes it can be difficult for businesses to choose between Facebook Ads and Facebook Shop. 

Facebook Ads

These are the ads that can appear in News Feeds on desktop and mobile devices. The ad content is generally influenced by the news and types of social activity that your connections have taken on the app. Your connections can view the actions that you take on your business page(s) depending on the privacy settings that you have chosen. However, Facebook will not sell any information to advertisers because there are strict policy restrictions that protect users against third party apps and ad campaigns or networks. 

Facebook Shop

On the other hand, Facebook Shop is advantageous for ecommerce businesses that are looking to convert their prospects target audience through Facebook. There are numerous Facebook shops that are available for users to buy products directly from a business Facebook Page without having to click on external links. This innovative way to conduct business has allowed businesses to list their products and prices and sell them directly on Facebook. It is easy to set up a Facebook Shop on your business page. You just have to select the Shop Tab from the dropdown menu. There are privacy terms and conditions that each business needs to adhere to prior to being accepted on the platform. 

Timing is everything if you want your business to last in this target focused and goal oriented industry. If you do not set timelines for your ad campaign, it makes it difficult to measure the rate of the success of every aspect of the campaign. However, the timing of the campaign is influenced by different factors such as the following. 

  • Distinguishing between the planning and the running of the campaign
  • The type of marketing that you are doing
  • Your business objectives and the measurement tools used to determine success
  • The resources that are at your disposal

There are three types of campaigns that you can choose to use and each has its variation of factors to be considered. 

Shorter campaigns. These campaigns are ideal for paid social media when the objective is to show your ad to many people in as short space. For example, you can use emails to convert prospective customers. They can run along with a broader marketing strategy. The average running time for these campaigns is approximately 6 weeks to yield effective results. However, you have limited time to get tasks done with this type of campaign. 

Medium length campaigns. These campaigns last anywhere between 6 weeks to 3 months. They are a great way to ensure that the marketing strategy flows with the business operations. This allows you to measure the marketing and business metrics to get a better evaluation of the performance in both areas. There is enough time to do the different tasks that are involved with creating this campaign. 

Longer campaigns. These are campaigns that run for about 6 to 9 months. They require a generous amount of data to succeed. These ad campaigns are a great way to assess the success of your ad campaign in the long term. 

Return on ad spend is a metric that is used to measure the amount of revenue that is generated by your business for each dollar it spends on digital advertising. As a result, it can measure the effectiveness of your advertising strategy. It is important to utilize a marketing platform that allows you the flexibility of measuring your success at every phase of the advertising process. It is easy to calculate your return on ad spend, you just need to divide your conversion value by your advertising costs. 

To measure the success of your conversion rate, you need to set up dynamic conversion values. It is essential to know how to optimize your business online to increase conversion rates. You can track conversions and sales to ensure that you understand how your ad campaign is performing at every level. 

Combining Facebook Ads with your email list is valuable for controlling the communication between your customers without third parties involved. The email list is an essential asset that your business can depend on to increase its sales. To combine the two you can do the following. 

  • Create lead magnets or offers in exchange for contact details of your prospective customers. 
  • Prep your website with a full opt-in page that requests their contact details. Ensure that the landing page is mobile-friendly to target consumers that are on the move. 
  • Facebook pixel offers a business a success page that notifies customers when they have successfully completed their subscription. 
  • Set up an automated email nurture sequence to continue with the relationship of communication with your customers.
  • Create a new ad campaign with conversions as the main objective and create a custom audience option to get email addresses of people who have engaged with your campaign. 
  • Use the different tracking techniques to find out how your campaign is doing.

To grow your email list with Facebook, you need to offer your connections something valuable in exchange for their information. It is essential to track their interests to persuade the exchange for their email details. 

The Facebook pixel is code that collects data to help you with tracking conversions from Facebook Ads. It can also help you to optimize ads, create target audiences for future ad campaigns and help you with Facebook remarketing. Anyone can install the pixel to collect data to use whenever they are ready to create a Facebook Ad. The pixel can be used to collect data that has been predefined or that is set up as a custom event. These custom events can be summarized as follows. 

  • Leads
  • Purchase 
  • Complete registration 
  • Ad to cart or wishlist 
  • Search 
  • Customize product 
  • And so much more

Parameters help you to add detailed information to customize your events. Creating a Facebook pixel is a simple process. You just need to click on Facebook Events Manager and choose pixels from the dropdown menu in the top left corner. Thereafter, you can click the green icon that prompts you to create your pixel. You can name it, enter your website URL and then click on create. You can then add the pixel code to your website to track the events of your business. 

Facebook Post

They are easy to use for your marketing purposes. This is just a traditional Facebook post that has been paid for to reach a wider audience. This is a valuable way to conduct free audience research. It ensures that more users and prospective customers are able to see your posts. It is easier to boost your posts when you have engagement data. If you have content that appeals to a specific demographic in your News Feed, paying to boost your Facebook posts can help you target your audience the same way that you would use an advert to target them. 

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can be easily mistaken for Facebook boosted posts. The difference is what is being offered by both. Facebook Ads provides a business with analytics tools, ways to teach performance of advertising strategies and ways to define the goals of the campaign. It also provides users with an array of formatting options in comparison to Facebook posts. There is also the option to customize the campaign objectives, this provides businesses with the opportunity to define their goals realistically. Using Facebook Ads gives your business a more dynamic perspective that may appeal to more consumers than a boosted post would. They can also include a call-to-action and specific action buttons. 

Choosing between what is the most suitable option for your marketing strategy depends on the objectives that the business has set for itself. Each platform tends to influence different outcomes that can affect the impact, campaign goals, lead generation and sales leads as well as conversion rates. Generally, the decision is based on what the short term goals vs the long term goals are for each business.