12 Spiritual Audiobooks That Changed My Perspective

Our sense of hearing is what enables us to connect to the world in so many vital ways. It allows us to communicate with others in a way that is different from the other senses. We hear the words others say, and listen closely for clues that reveal their true intent. For me, I have also found that hearing and listening not only bring pleasure; they can also make a difference in the overall quality of my life.

Although I have always had a thirst for knowledge, it was sometimes hard for me to gain full meaning just from the written word. I am an auditory learner, so I started using audiobooks as a way to learn. To me audiobooks are an immersive, educational, and entertaining experience. They improve my comprehension, and give me access to information that helps me learn more about a wide variety of topics.

I don’t just listen to audiobooks for business or marketing information alone. I also like insights that can help me become better as a person. Here is a list of 12 spiritual audiobooks that helped change my perspective. I am sharing them in case you might find them helpful for your own personal life journey.

  1. Loving What Is by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell: Here readers are challenged to answer four questions that are designed to change the way they think about life. This book gave me ideas that helped turn negative thoughts into positives, and changed how I react to people and events that cause stress in my life. Instead of focusing on what I wish “would be,” I now focus on trying to love what my current reality is.
  2. Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks: The problem with attempting to manifest your own desires is that sometimes you don’t even know how to ask for or received what you want. This book offers 22 separate and powerful processes that help you identify and achieve your personal life goals. This is the power of positive thinking taken to an entirely new level.
  3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and It’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson: This may be an oldie, but it is still a good read, and a great listen! Just like Carlson says, I was allowing all the little everyday details to completely take over my life, so much so that I started losing focus on my much more important life goals. Instead of long, explanatory chapters, this collection of 100 short affirmations helps remind me on a regular basis of simple actions I can take that will have a big impact on how I can control my own destiny.
  4. The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck M.D.: Although it was first published in 1978 (and updated since then), this refreshing read gave me new insights into how traditional values and spiritual growth can change our life for the better. Life may indeed be difficult, but the author gently provides ways to bring fulfillment and peace.
  5. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity by Edwene Gaines: This book addresses the question of what prosperity really means. In a world as money-centric as ours can be, that is certainly a deep question. What is more important – gaining money or gaining spiritual prosperity – and can those two goals co-exist? Can you follow the four laws: set specific financial and spiritual goals; forgive others and yourself daily; tithe ten percent of all you earn or receive; and find and commit to a divine purpose?
  6. Enneagram by Adam Night: An Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that is based on understanding nine interconnected personality types. This book offers a step-by-step guide to discovering your spiritual personality. The goal is to create better relationships by understanding yourself and others better. Be sure to take the included test!
  7. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss M.D.: If you believe in exploring the lessons learned from your past lives, then this is the book for you. Although regression is often thought of as an alternative form of psychotherapy, this can be an interesting foray into your psyche in order to make more of your present life. What lessons have you already learned and have yet to learn?
  8. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer: Do you know what is tying you down, and holding you back from reaching beyond the boundaries in your life? Are those boundaries of your own making? This #1 New York Times bestseller offers simple answers to some of life’s most perplexing questions. Find out what you can do to stop living with the habits and thoughts that keep you from achieving your very best being. You might be surprised by what you can achieve without those inner tethers!
  9. Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh: Although not strictly about organized religion, the author does draw heavily from the spiritual teaching traditions of Buddhism and Christianity to help readers commit to mindfulness, so they can find the connection between personal, inner peace and peace on earth.
  10. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: The New York Times recognizes Tolle as one of “the most popular spiritual authors in the United States” for good reason. His guide to spiritual enlightenment forces you to reject the self-made concept of ego, and to live in the here and now that surrounds you. This can be a difficult task with all we try to accomplish, and all that works against you to keep you from your peace, but it is possible to relieve yourself of the psychological pain you experience by accepting what is and being present in the Now.
  11. An Invitation to Freedom by Mooji: Mooji is a Jamaican-born spiritual teacher who has attracted followers from around the world to his lessons on finding spiritual contentment by connecting with your true inner self. This book provides a guide to finding that sense of fulfillment we all seek, even in this cluttered, busy world. I enjoy the questions which force you to discover the truths in your life that can help lead you to emotional freedom.
  12. Out of Your Mind by Alan Watts: If you spend too much time living in your head, then it is time to get out of your mind and focus on new perspectives. A former Anglican priest who mixes in a generous appreciation of Zen Buddhism, Watts provides listeners/readers with twelve pinnacle teaching sessions. These help you break through the boundaries of your rational way of thinking, to help you expand your appreciation for that which Watts calls the “Great Game.”

Once you have used these books to make a start on understanding spirituality and its applications to life and work, I’m sure you will find many more on your own that will help lead you down the path to peace and prosperity. Feel free to share your insights and ideas with me, as I am always open to new concepts that can help change my perspective as I continue to grow into my own reality. Happy Travels!

16 Responses

  • Great article Taylor, I’ve picked up a few of these books from audible. Ask and it Is Given inspired me specifically. Thanks for the valuable information.

  • I enjoy many of Alan Watt’s books, most especially “Out of your Mind”. I read it twice in a row while I was incarcerated back in the Summer of 2020. I felt like a new MAN after that read! Great Share Taylor!

  • Hey, thanks for these wonderful spiritual recommendations. I believe I’m at a stage of my life where I can certainly make use of these and I’m going to pick a few of these books this week. I know that people can feel disconnected from themselves and the world sometimes, and these books definitely seem like they will help people like me with their emotional struggles. I find myself thinking negatively about life during the day, and I really think I want to try reading these one by one! Thank you.

  • Thanks for these fantastic recommendations. Due to the internet and its various distractions, I had forgotten how pleasurable and enriching a book can be. For the past few months, I had been lamenting how little I was reading, but I continued blaming my busy life. Your post brought my attention to the fact that I can listen to audiobooks during my long morning walks. Morning is the right time to set the proper perspective, and I plan to begin with “Four spiritual laws of prosperity.” I had read a quarter of this book, but I couldn’t quite find the time to finish it. I am guessing it will get easier now. Thanks for a great post.
    I look forward to reading more posts from you.

  • Hello Taylor,
    Your ideas about the importance of our spiritual learning put me in the mind of regular manifestations. And my daughter, a recent college grad, recently announced she is manifesting her dream job. Using the ideas in some of the books you refer to here, I have changed my life into the life I wanted to have. I became a digital nomad. My homes are a boat and an RV. I have partner who laughs with me.

    The accessibility afforded by audiobooks make this info open to many more people, both those needing it due to a disability and needing it due to the busy life.

    Warm smiles,
    Elizabeth K

  • I can understand the need for hearing things out loud to understand them better, but I cannot 100% get behind audiobooks, perhaps it is because of the voices that aren’t good at storytelling. With that being said, I prefer to read aloud with my husband. When we read the Bible, we take turns reading chapters and it allows us to hear a voice we’re comfortable with and talk out what we’re reading. I am not a huge fan of spiritual books, though I am open to them. I find some to be more about making a person feel better versus actually leading them towards the Bible and Christ, where people actually learn what they need to navigate life and get the happiness they seek. After reading your suggestions and their descriptions, I am quite disappointed that there are so many misleading texts and doctrines. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity is the most sickening of them all.
    Matthew 6:24 KJV
    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
    Mammon is defined as riches, wealth, or the god of riches. And finances is one of the things mentioned in the book about spirituality, which is leading people astray.

  • Hi Taylor,

    Thanks for the list of books on this post! With all the stay-at-home orders and being afraid to go outside and meet with friends, it has been tough. I wish I had ran across your blog sooner! I think these suggestions would have really helped me.

    I am particularly interested in “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and It’s All Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson. The pandemic has really put many things into perspective, but there is still a lot of work to do, as the pandemic has also allowed many other things to arise from the stress of being home and not getting any face-to-face social interaction.

    “Living Buddha, Living Christ” by Thich Nhat Hanh is another one I am interested in. I look forward to learning how the two teachings are described in the book.

    Thanks again for linking audiobooks! I’m on a multitasking kick!

  • Hello again Taylor,

    Brian Weiss is a brilliant writer and beautiful researcher. His insight into past lives sheds a light on the mysterious unknown. The journey we live here on Earth is only temporary. Weiss work inspires me to think further past this life. It is a comforting thought to know there is more waiting for us beyond this physical body. Weiss’ work is far ahead of its time, in the most magical and magnificent way.

  • I’ve actually read “don’t sweat the small stuff.” Great little book. It really helped me put things into place in my life. I’m a huge worrier about any and everything you could possibly think of. I’m always interested in a good read, and I’ve been leaning into spiritual readings a lot more than I used to. I’m glad you made a nice list of suggestions as to readings that you favored. I’ll definitely have to take a look. I’m glad I read this because you reminded me about something I had forgot about. Audiobooks! I’m always doing things around the house and boring as it is, I could just slap on some headphones and at least learn something!

  • Thanks of all the recommendations! I am completely hooked on Audible, as may Enneagram Type 7 self loves listening and learning new things while I am working out, driving or cleaning the house. I go through books at a rapid pace, so always appreciate recommendations from like-minded (and successful!) people. I also think that while we work so hard to develop our bodies and our minds, that sometimes we forget what is at the center of it all, our souls. I’ve read Enneagram and “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and plan to put The Power of Now at the top of my list, as “being fully present” is something I’m personally wokring on at the moment.

  • This list could not have been compiled and published at a more appropriate moment. For a long time, I’ve been trapped and stagnant, and I’ve been seeking a way to liven things up. Thank you for these suggestions!

  • Hey Taylor,

    I’m not an auditory learner, but I appreciate having an arsenal of audiobooks to listen to while I complete projects. At first when I clicked on this link, I expected to find books I’m already familiar with covered. I was surprised to find that most of these I have not read yet, which is excellent! Although I have listened to many of Alan Watts’s lectures, and I’ve seen Thich Nhat Hanh’s writing transformed into inspirational quotes and plastered all over the internet, I have not read these books. You may be interested in titles such as, “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” You can find condensed versions of it on YouTube, which covers most of the book. It was written in the 1920s and combines Christian perspectives with the Law of Attraction way before these concepts caught on as a fad. Thank you again for this list!


  • Hey Taylor,

    It’s wonderful of you to share these with us. The past year has taken a toll on my mental and emotional well-being, and I’ve taken to reading self-help books to get me back on a positive path. I’m considering switching to audiobooks since friends have told me that the reader’s voice does help in calming them down.

    I’m particularly interested in the Living Buddha, Living Christ title. As a baptized Christian who now considers herself an atheist and having a Buddhist mother, I hope it can help reconcile some contradicting thoughts that organized religion has taught me over the years.

  • Hi Taylor,
    Similar to you, one of my main goals is to learn to be a better person and change the way I think. I can become easily overstressed so I really appreciated the recommendations. Specifically “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and It’s All the Small Stuff.”

  • Great recommendations! Listening to audiobooks is a great way to pick up knowledge while on the go. I do find more pleasure in reading a physical book, because I have more time to reflect on what is being said. However, you picked some great audiobooks. The Untethered Soul really is a journey inward to achieve outward clarity. ‘The Power of Now’ is another enlightening classic. Every time I reread that book, I learn something new. I would recommend listening to it more than one time. There is always a nugget of wisdom that has been overlooked the first listen.

  • Another great reading list that I’m going to have to add to my collection! I love reading “metaphysical” and Spiritual books since they dive more into the Mind-Body-Soul connection than either psych. books or organized religion seem to do. While it’s great to have a firm grasp on your personality and emotional state, and a strong (healthy) faith provides a sense of purpose, people too often forget that “what you focus on daily is what you receive.” Metaphysical and Spiritual/Non-Religious teachings remind us that we need to be more aware of where we spend our time and energy, and that we’re active participants in our own lives. We co-create what we desire; the universe/God doesn’t just “hand it over” because we asked and then sat back waiting for results (nor have we been “punished” or denied simply because we didn’t get what we wanted). Now more than ever, people need to be consciously present, engaged, patient in their expectations, and above all: GRATEFUL! This reading list is a perfect place to start.

    ~Cory S.

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