Google Local Services Ads: 7 Tips & 3 Mistakes

Google Local Services Ads: 7 Tips & 3 Mistakes

Google Local Service ads empower small businesses to advertise on Google and receive leads directly from potential customers. Google Local Service ads appear on the top of the SERP’s – or search engine results page – when people search for services within your area.

By interacting with the ads, they will be able to see a list of all of the participating local services that are associated with the entered keywords. It’s a powerful way to onboard local customers and garner trust from current clients.

Why You Would Want To Invest in Google Local Service Ads

Cost-effectiveness. Unlike other ad networks, participants of Google Local Service ads will only have to pay per lead, instead of per click with the lead pricing varying largely depending on your location, and the type of industry or niche you cater to. 

Businesses that participate with Google Local Service ads will be “Google Guaranteed.” This badge not only helps with your reputation, but it also indicates a dedication to customer service that is further backed by the search engine giant. As more customers become savvy as to where they spend their money, this Google Guarantee badge can be a significant differentiator between your business and competitors.

Google Local Services Ads: 7 Tips & 3 Mistakes

Expanding your businesses reach beyond the traditional search ads. Google Local Service ads offers maximum exposure and visibility. 71% of online searchers interact with the first page of Google, with the majority only showing interest on the first page. Having a business at the top of the first page will create a traffic stream of quality visitors who are local and interested in your services.

7 Best Practices For Your Google Local Service Ads Campaign

Google Local Service Ads

1. Ensure that you are in the proper market. Currently, Google Local Service ads are only available to businesses within the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Within the United States, the local service ads cater to major cities as well as surrounding suburbs. Also, not all niches are eligible — Google has a list of industries that can participate in the Google Local Service ads program.

Google Local Service Ads

2. Become certified. Google requires all participating small businesses and service providers to complete a background check, with United States participants going through a self-service application via Pinkerton. To streamline the process, make sure that you have vital information at hand when applying to Google Local Service ads. These include the name of your business, accurate address and contact information, federal employer identification number, and the number of employees in your company. Each employee will have to pass a background check. For your Google Guarantee badge, you will need to provide additional information designating insurance and licensing information. 

Google Local Service Ads

3. Understanding what constitutes a “valid lead.” Since you are only charged for valid leads, you generate a more predictable return of investment. However, for the uninitiated, it may be confusing as to what factors Google uses to determine validity. These factors include text messages or emails from potential customers, voicemails, phone calls, and text messages, phone calls, or emails you made in response to missed calls. 

Google Local Service Ads

4. Creating Your Local Services Ad – doing it right the first time. The settings you choose when you create a profile will act as your targeting data, making it imperative that you provide accurate information. Include your business hours, specific service areas, job types, as well as your weekly budget. Keywords for Google Local Service ads are a bit different from AdWords. Keywords relevant to ad categories will trigger the ads. However,  those keywords need to include modifiers like “New York City cleaning services” or “electrician near me”. The good news is that you do not need to bid for keywords anymore — the ads are automatically triggered based on thousands of search terms at any given moment.

Google Local Service Ads

5. Be aware of what contributes to your ranking. As a small business owner, you must be aware of indicators to ensure that your ads are effective and cost-effective. The first is the vicinity your business has to the searcher. While this is relatively out of your control, make sure that you specify which areas you are servicing to initiate quality leads. Google will also prioritize small businesses with a higher review score. Generate customer reviews by incorporating it into your early advertising strategy. On the Google Local Service ads panel, you can ask customers for a review, giving you the option to personalize the sent message. Custom emails will encourage reviews from your past clients.

Google Local Service Ads

6. Your Google Local Service ads work with Google Home. Google is beginning to roll out Google’s Local Search ads that will connect to those who use Google Home to inquire about potential service providers in the area. Google Assistant will now provide Google Home users with a few nearby options. To increase your chance of Google Home recommending your service, you want to continuously collect reviews, provide top-tier service, and be highly responsive to inquiries. Google has shown a preference for active users.

Google Local Service Ads

7. Visit and revisit your inbound call structure. Whether you will be charged is largely dependent on your lead call time and habits. You do not want inbound calls to be riddled with unrelated questions and inquiries — this is a waste of time for your business, and you will be charged after a certain time on the phone.

To ensure that you do not experience time wasters, ask the right questions to find as much information as quickly as possible. Lead them to a specific goal, informing the caller what the next steps are going to be. Then once you have piqued their interest, quickly gather details like their contact information and inquire when you can call them back to confirm information and then thank them for their time.

Google Local Service Ads Infographc

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Ways to Make Remarketing Work for Your Small Business

Ways to Make Remarketing Work for Your Small Business

When it comes to a marketing budget, every dollar is precious, especially for small businesses, and you need to squeeze as much mileage out of each marketing tactic as possible. That is why the concept of remarketing makes so much sense.

Although marketers would love to be able to just drive prospects to a website or retail location, where they make an immediate purchase, the real outcome is that this scenario seldom comes true. Some people do use their mobile devices to make immediate purchases (think food or gasoline), but most must be nurtured and communicated to several times to make the impression that tilts the buying scale in your favor.

Let’s say you spend a considerable amount of money on your online marketing strategy, and meet with a certain amount of success. Remarketing is a way to connect with those people who ALREADY took notice of your business, interacted in some way, or possibly even visited your website. This marketing tactic allows you to strategically position follow up advertisements in front of these audiences, reminding them of your brand.

You might have experienced remarketing when you searched for something online, and saw a promotion for that very same product come up in your Facebook feed or Google results.

If you need some convincing statistics about the power of remarketing, consider the following:

  • One ad is not enough: Only 2% of visitors make a purchase on their first visit to a website. Cart abandonment rates are incredibly high, especially on mobile devices. Remarketing offers the possibility of getting a second chance with that other 98%.
  • Conversion rates increase over time: WordStream reveals that the more prospects see an ad, the more likely they are to buy. Sometimes they might not really notice your ad, or your timing could be off. But, the more they see what you offer, the more likely you are to catch their attention.
  • People ENJOY reminders: Would you be surprised to find out that 25% of visitors actually enjoy seeing a remarketing reminder? If they liked something enough to research it once, the chances are they had interest, but were not yet fully motivated to buy.

Common Remarketing Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Although it might seem easy enough to just say that you want to remarket to people who have interacted in some way with your business online, setting up remarketing is not easy. It requires following several holy grails of technical manuals, and there are dozens of ways to make mistakes which compound quickly.

Here are some of the biggest missteps, and tips to make your remarketing more effective:

  • Set Up Your Remarketing: If you have ever heard that “there is never enough time to do something right the first time, but always enough time to do it over,” you have already learned an important lesson about remarketing – set it up right! Google takes you through a step-by-step remarketing set-up processSet up an audience sourcetag your website for remarketing, create a data source, and use Tag Manager to confirm that a global site tag has been placed on every page of your website.
  • Choose Your Audience Wisely: Setting up your audience lists will help you define which audiences see your ads across Gmail, YouTube, Google Search, and the Google Display Network through remarketing campaigns. Choose website visitors, your customer list, similar audience, app users, and callers, or a custom combination to specify who you want to see your ads. The audience you choose depends on the type of ad you will run. Don’t try to accomplish too much with one ad. It can be confusing to your audience, and will be next to impossible to track. On the other hand, though, you do need an audience that is large enough to generate trackable results, so don’t exclude every possible demographic just to save a few dollars.
  • Remarket to Those You Already Know: You only have a passing acquaintance with some people – they visited your website once, or clicked on a YouTube video. But, with others there is a more “intimate” relationship. They are on your e-newsletter list, gave you an email address to download an e-book or white paper, or maybe even made a purchase. Perhaps they got all the way to the shopping cart stage, without taking the final buying action. These are people that are not what you might consider “regular” customers yet. You want to have specific remarketing efforts for this audience to remind them of why they like your business, and motivate them to take another action. This is also where the concept of the “similar” audience is useful – if it works well for your current associations, then it will probably work for those who are in similar demographic groups, too.
  • Think About the Length of Your Remarketing Campaign. You could believe you want a particular remarketing campaign to last about 30 days, but some buying decisions need longer periods of time than that. You might want a sales promotion to run a week or two, and a restaurant can probably get by with a shorter timeframe, but a car dealership might have to go out to two months to meet their buyers’ thought process. You want to have enough visibility during the timeframe when a prospect is most likely to revisit their purchase options.
  • Don’t Go Overboard: There is a limit to how much any prospect, even a very interested one, wants to hear from you. Use frequency capping to limit the number of times your remarketing ads appear to the same person over a given time period.
  • Pay Attention to All Your Online Marketing: Although it might feel like your remarketing strategy should be able to practically run itself, you do want to check on it regularly to make sure it is generating the results you expect. Look for areas you can improve on, and also those that might need to be rethought completely. Keep an eye on those people who do convert, to determine how you want to reach out to them in upcoming remarketing efforts. And don’t focus so much on the remarketing that you forget to revisit your primary online marketing strategy, as that is what is driving the initial results you count on for remarketing.
  • Watch the Audience Overlap: You want to try to maintain control over the amount of information each of your specific audiences will receive from you. Too much and they might get annoyed; too little and they could lose interest. Think about what you are saying to each audience, how long your campaign will last, and figure out whether they are getting other overlapping remarketing messages from your business.
  • Measure and Measure Again: You want to get a good ROI with any marketing strategy, and that includes your remarketing efforts. Take advantage of Google Analytics to gain insights on pages visited, session length, and traffic sources, in order to improve results.

Finally – BE INTERESTING! You might have made it perfectly through the set-up and audience selection parts, but you still need to have an ad that is interesting. Use quality images and captivating content to grab your audience’s attention and make them give your business a second thought. You’ll want to do some testing of various versions of your ad, to make sure you hit on the exact combination that works.

This focused on the concept of remarketing with Google, but Facebook also has a very similar process (they call it re-targeting) for helping people rediscover what they really love about your business. The point is that you want your online marketing to work its very best for your small business. Building on strategies you already have in place through remarketing can help take those efforts to the next level.

Google Ads: Automatic Bidding vs. Manual Bidding

Google Automatic Bidding Manual Bidding

For many companies, Google Ads is an easy and effective way to promote their products and brand.

Google Ads levels the playing field for smaller companies by enabling them to advertise without laying out large sums of capital.

Recently, Google has gone even further by offering the option of allowing artificial intelligence (AI) to run pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

This is a risky gambit for many companies. If you have limited resources and a shrinking advertising budget, you may be hesitant to turn over control of your PPC campaign to an automated process.

In this blog, I’ll review several important considerations related to manual bidding versus automated bidding.

Why Companies Use Pay-Per-Click

More and more people are using the Internet to shop, communicate, and socialize. This shift in where the public spends the majority of its time has made Google—the world’s premiere search engine—an advertising giant.

What You Should Know About Manual Bidding

Manual bidding, as the phrase suggests, is the direct and on-hands management of keyword bids on Google Ads. You make all decisions about your PPC account without AI assistance.

Experience, unique market insight and expertise, and analysis of past keyword performance data can all be used to guide such decision-making. However, it should be noted that this process requires a great deal of time and effort. To get a good return on manual bidding, the people involved in it must be highly competent and have the right level of experience.

This form of bidding may be best if you have a limited budget and a small amount of consumer data. The benefits of manual bidding include:

  • Control: You can be as aggressive as you want to win bids on specific key words and phrases
  • Responsiveness: You can change your keyword bids quickly in response to new competitors and your lowest performers
  • No delays: Manual bidding changes take effect immediately

You should also be aware of the downsides of manual bidding. As your PPC account grows bigger, it will become harder to manage. You may be compelled to hire more people to monitor and manage it, which can eat away at your advertising budget. Manual bidding is also vulnerable to human errors, some of which can be quite costly.

What You Should Know About Automatic Bidding

Automatic bidding is also known as smart bidding. This form of bidding is the best option if you have large PPC accounts, a great deal of historical data, and no experts in manual bidding and no desire to hire any.

If you are a growing company or a well-established one with significant capital reserves, you may be better off letting Google AI take charge of your account.

Here are some of the specific benefits of going down this route:

  • Versatile segmentation: This involves the creation of customized subsections within your broader target audience based on their shared interests and behaviors
  • Efficiency: The AI technology will allow you to manage thousands of keywords and hundreds of ad groups at once
  • Accurate prediction models: The advanced algorithms can give you a sound foundation for decision-making by making accurate predictions about your campaigns
  • Cost-effectiveness: Your team will spend less time on monitoring your Google Ads accounts, which will free them up for more pressing business matters

While automated bidding is a highly effective way to manage your PPC campaign, in almost all cases, you should not start off with it. The smarter move is to go with manual bidding initially, test the waters, and wait until your account has a steady flow of traffic and you have reached a statistically significant number of conversions from which you can make educated decisions.

You should also be aware that any changes you make to Google Ads will take some time to implement if you are using AI. You will need to manually sync if you want the changes to take effect immediately.

If you intend to pursue automated bidding, then there are a few common strategies—which appear as settings on the account—that are worth learning about. They include:

1. Maximize conversions

This sets keyword bids to get the most conversions possible with a given budget. If you set your account to maximize conversions, the AI system will check your daily budget and determine how best to use it. You should be warned that your entire budget can be consumed if you are not careful, which is why you should carve out a stand-alone budget for this type of campaign.

2. Maximize clicks

If you configure your Google Ads campaign with this option, the top priority will be getting ad clicks. The AI system will automatically determine bids based on the likelihood of earning a click or conversion. The system will do so based on the following criteria: device, operating system, demographics, location, and time of day.

It is still possible to set bid limits with this option. However, you should be aware that excessively tight limits will restrict the number of clicks you may get.

There are real differences between manual and automatic bidding on Google Ads. If you have just established a start-up, then you should begin with manual bidding. Over time, you may decide to opt for automatic bidding. But this decision should only be made in light of your PPC budget, your business goals, and the experience and expertise of your workforce.

Google Ads For Local Business: 7 Tips & 3 Mistakes

Google Ads For Local Businesses

Did you know that 76% of people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a business within 24 hours, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase? As a local business, it’s a top priority for your ads to be seen and used. But to do that, they have to reach their target audience. They also have to be so appealing that they lead that audience straight to a purchase. So how can your business use Google Ads to benefit your customer and sales growth? Here are 7 of the best practices and 3 mistakes to avoid for local businesses using Google Ads.

Local Google Ads Tip - Increase Your Local Reach Radius

1) Increase Your Local Reach Radius

When you’re trying to get a bigger reach for your Google ads, but still want to reach your local customers, make sure your Google location target setting is on “People in, or who show interest in, your targeted locations.” This setting is recommended by Google and will help your business reach an audience that might not be permanently residing in your location. It also can help your ads reach nearby cities. 

While Google Ads can help increase online sales, increasing your local reach radius also can increase off-line sales. Start “Geo-fencing” or learning how far your customers are traveling to visit your physical business. This way, you know how far to set your Google Ads map radius. Consider setting up surveys in your newsletters or receipt emails that ask the area code of your customers. You can also create a system of asking for area codes with physical purchases.

Google Ads For Local Businesses Article Graphics

2) Take Advantage of All Google’s Location Campaigns Types

While making a campaign is simple, there are several ways you can use campaigns to reach different audiences. For example, if you have a candy shop, you might make a campaign that looks like “candy shop near me.” This campaign will attract anyone within a your set radius.

Consider using both of the campaigns below:

[business type] near me

[business type] in [state, city]

Keyword phrases such as “near me” and “on sale” have increased 250% from 2016-2019. On the other hand, specifically mentioning a city or state is key for getting your business’ ads to pop up for non-locals. This group of people may be tourists, travelers, other businesses, and general visitors. Using both of these types of campaigns can greatly impact the response you get from your ad.

Tip: When preparing a Google Ad campaign, be sure to take advantage of Google’s geo-targeted ads, which allows you to pinpoint a target audience that’s as large or small as you want.

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3) Include Location Extensions 

If you’re targeting a local audience, be sure that your ad can take viewers to a map of your business. After all, your ad may reach thousands of people, but if people don’t go to your store or website, the ad is pointless. By including a Location Extension, you allow the ad to connect viewers straight to Google Maps. This practice is especially useful for the many people who are using their cell phones to search for local businesses, as it will help them navigate easily to you.

To add a Location Extension to your Google Ads, simply go to your Google Ads Dashboard and click on the Extensions tab. You’ll then see the option to add Location Extension.

You can also add an Affiliate Location Extension (located directly below Location Extension in the same place). Affiliate Location Extensions showcase affiliates that carry your products. If your products are located in businesses such as Amazon and Target, be sure to add that information here.

Utilizing the Affiliate Location Extension greatly benefits businesses that don’t have their own storefront. By channeling purchases through affiliates, you can increase your audience and sales.

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4) Optimize Bids For Target Location

You’ll want to ensure the bulk of your bid is focused on the areas closest to your business. There are already several aspects of your ad that is set-up to reach a larger radius. Spending your money on the local area ensures that the people who have the most potential to get to your business see your ad. It also ensures that the closest people have the most consistent exposure to your business.

To customize your bid, go to the Location Extension to your Google Ads, on your Google Ads Dashboard. From there you can click your target audience and increase the percent your keywords are optimized for viewers. Select multiple ranges of targets (5 miles, 10 miles, 15 miles), and steadily decrease your bid for each level.

Google Ads For Local Businesses

5) Create Deep Links for Your Ad’s Site Link

While it’s important to make an eye-catching phrase for your ad’s site link, it’s also important to link deep into your site. For those who haven’t deep linked before, it makes sure your audience isn’t led to the homepage, but another page on your site. By deep linking, you drive customers straight into what they’re looking for. Try deep linking to contact pages, sales or events pages, or service pages. If your business sells products, also add an Amazon-style buy button to your deep linked page that will increase your conversation rates by 14%. This way, customers will be led straight to an easy way to buy your product. You could even use this for your business’ services by styling the page’s button after the Amazon button.

If driving in local customers is your goal, be sure to include keywords that would indicate your business is local. Create a landing page that includes positive and local testimonials. Viewers will automatically be able to see the impact you’ve made on the community and become potential customers.

Tip: Google’s artificial intelligence can automatically generate phrases for your ad’s link, but consider writing your own to match your deep link landing page. Just make sure they are interesting and engaging.

Google Ads For Local Businesses

6) Utilize Local Search Ads

Including browsing, researching, and buying, 98% of global consumers shop online. But you also want your potential customers to find your physical business quickly. Instead of taking viewers to your website, Local Search ads lead your audience straight to Google Maps. This feature is especially useful if you need a large influx of local customers quickly. Be sure to enable Location Extensions first (see #3) and optimize bids (see #4). After these two steps are complete, you’ll want to make sure your Google My Business page is updated and correct. If you’re looking for a simpler way, there is also the option to automate your bidding by setting up specific rules.

Another way to increase your business’ presence in the community is by partnering with local organizations and events. When people search for these events and places, they will also be exposed to your business. By making sure your Location Extension and Business Locations are correct, you ensure that potential customers are able to see your location on Google Maps or visit your website.

Google Ads For Local Businesses

7) Keep Track of How Ads Perform and Adjust Accordingly

If you see that one of your ads is doing poorly, don’t be afraid to remove it. While it’s been said that any exposure is good exposure, your money should be reserved for the best performing ads. Use Google Ads to keep track of the number of clicks your ad gets, the revenue generated, how many qualified leads your ad attracts, and more. You can also utilize Google Ads’ Keyword Tracker to see which keywords are attracting the most traffic. Then you can delete the keywords that aren’t generating clicks. At the end of the day, you want to keep what works best for your business and get rid of the rest.

If you are not getting the results you want for the money you’re investing, it may be time to re-evaluate the type of paid ad you’re using. 

Google Ads For Local Businesses

Learn the 3 biggest mistakes to avoid when setting up Google Local Ads:

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5 Tips For a Successful Pay-Per-Click Campaign

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Pay-Per-Click or PPC is one of the most effective online advertising and marketing strategies to drive customers to your business.  Among the providers of PPC advertising, Google’s AdWords is the most widely used platform.  If used properly, PPC could bring in a significant number of highly targeted leads that convert into paying customers.

Professional paid search consulting

What is Pay-Per-Click?

Essentially, pay-per-click or PPC, is a way of buying traffic or visits to a website. One of the most popular forms of PPC is search advertising provided by Google AdWords in which the advertiser pays a fee whenever an ad is clicked.

In search advertising, PPC ads appear above the organic search results. The ads appear on relevant search results. So if a PPC ad is for “baby clothing”, for example, it would show in search results for the same or related keywords.

Press Release For Local SEO

A PPC ad copy includes a short title, a description, and a link to a landing page. Some PPC ads may also have extensions. These are especially useful features that make your ad more relevant to the searcher.

According to Search Engine Watch, businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Adwords.  This is likely due to the fact that more and more people are using mobile devices, and mobile search now accounts for 52 percent of paid search clicks.

Organic Search vs. Pay-Per-Click

Optimizing your business for organic search is key to long-term success online. But trying to dominate a keyword in a competitive industry isn’t exactly a walk in the park, and it could take a few months to see significant results. But with PPC, you have a better chance of getting more clicks by leapfrogging ahead of the competition attempting to rank high in organic search.

Organic SEO campaigns take time.  They require the help of a savvy digital marketing agency in order optimize your site so that you’ll start showing up in the organic listings.  PPC is a quicker way to get awareness online.  Think of organic SEO campaigns as a marathon, and a PPC campaign like a sprint.  With PPC you need to pay every time someone clicks your ad.  Google asks each advertiser to set a maximum cost per click they are willing to spend on each keyword (for each click).

If you have the budget and you need to get in front of as many customers as fast as possible, PPC can do that for you. Organic SEO, on the other hand, sets you up for long-term success online.

Now, let’s get right down to business. If you’re looking to explore PPC, the following are the five must-haves of a successful pay per click campaign:

Paid Search Consultants

The right set of keywords

Like organic SEO, PPC requires that you research and select a certain set of keywords. Keywords are the primary key to driving success to your PPC campaign. Be sure to use the proper set of keywords that exactly describe your business.  Avoid using keywords with a high competition (high numbers of other advertisers targeting the same keyword). You need to use those with high search volume, but with low competition. Such keywords usually cost low.

The best free tool to use for your keyword research is Google’s very own AdWords Keyword Planner. It provides you with insights on keywords, competition, cost, and location targeting.

Ask us today about how we can help you dig deeper for keywords using our proprietary keyword software.

Emphasis on clicks

When running a PPC ad, you should focus mainly on the number of clicks (your CTR or click through rate), not on the number of impressions (the number of times your ad appears). This is because your PPC campaign’s costs are based on the number of times your ads have been clicked. Which is why you need to be sure that your ads have the most relevant or targeted keywords for maximum clicks and conversion.  It is crucial to keep your ad on the first page with a strong bid, because 62% of search engine users click on a search result within the first results page (28% click on 2nd or 3rd page).

Ecommerce Landing Page Optimization

Intelligence: keeping an eye on the competition

If the competition seems to be outperforming your PPC ads, there’s probably a good reason. The best way to find out what they might be doing right is to use keyword software that ‘spys’ on them (this is totally legal, ethical and part of a comprehensive PPC strategy). Study your competition’s ad copy and make a shortlist of the highest peforming ads.

Ad Extensions

PPC ad extensions are excellent tools that compel customers to click on an ad. Extensions provide more information that potential customers may be looking for, such as your business’ phone number, customer rating, links to your webpages, and mailing address.

Below are some of the ad extensions in Google AdWords:

  • Sitelink Extensions – It displays additional links in your standard text ad
  • Call Extensions – It lets you add a phone number in your standard text ad
  • Callout Extensions – It shows additional descriptive text in your standard text ad
  • Location Extensions – It allows you to display location information in your standard text ads
  • Review Extensions – A review extension that displays an accurate, current, credible, non-duplicative third-party review of your business. Like the rest of your ad text, your review extensions must comply with all AdWords policies.

Use these extensions to give more reason for customers to click on your ads. They are great tools to increase your click-through rate and improve your conversion.

Performance tracking

PPC advertising Services

Unfortunately, this is one area that many advertisers tend to take for granted. Performance tracking is essential for understanding how well your PPC ads and campaign are working. By taking a look at the performance of your ads, you would be able to make the necessary adjustments for improved performance. You’ll discover which set of keywords are driving more traffic and resulting in conversions, as well as which are performing poorly and should be eliminated.

The online marketing space is getting more and more crowded everyday. But with the right strategy in search advertising, you’ll be able to corner a portion of your market that your competition might not have tapped into yet. With the right PPC strategy, you would be able to pull in more visits and see improved revenue.

For more information on getting more customers with Pay-Per-Click, contact Search Engine Pros today.

How To Write Adwords Ads For Valentine’s Day

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Show your business some love this Valentine’s Day…

Google Adwords Love

Some businesses are obvious candidates to advertise with Google AdWords for Valentine’s Day. Since it is the second biggest gift-giving occasion right after Christmas, every gift-giving opportunity is online trying to attract attention – candy, flowers, photos, romantic getaways – you name it, somebody is using AdWords to attract leads. If you think your business can’t take advantage of this online marketing opportunity to drive more traffic to your website, you might want to think again. Even those businesses which might think they don’t have any relation to Valentine’s Day can benefit by adding some sort of Valentine’s twist to their advertising. You might find that the mere act of offering a Valentine’s deal could attract more site visitors.

Valentine's Adwords Ads

If you’re not sure what Google AdWords are, they are those short ads which appear right next to organic Google search results. They offer a strong marketing opportunity for your business to boost website traffic and sales by being right in front of prospects that are searching for your service. It’s the perfect opportunity to draw attention. No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Google because this is pay-per-click marketing. You pay only if prospects click on your ads and visit your website.

Google Ads Copywriting

It’s easy to start a Google AdWords campaign. Simply pick a business category, write your ad, and set a budget. Then call Search Engine Pros at 800-605-4988 and we’ll kick your campaign into high gear. We’ll help increase clicks to your website and decrease the cost of those clicks by optimizing your ad positions.

Be sure to use Valentine’s Day related keywords to make sure your ad stands out. For instance a florist would have Valentine’s Day Flowers while a card shop would have Valentine’s Day Cards. A helpful word cloud from Google found that phrases like “Valentine’s Day meals” and “DIY Valentine’s gifts” were highly searched.

If your business doesn’t have a specific Valentine’s Day gift idea, you can always show your love for customers with a Valentine’s-related sale or bonus offer. Gift certificates might fall under the categories of “Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him” or “Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her.”

Happy Valentine's Day From Google Adwords Pros

At Search Engine Pros your Google Adwords PPC Manager can help your company achieve its internet traffic and revenue goals. Your PPC Manager will assist you with pay-per-click campaign management, Google Adwords account set up, tune-ups, campaign audits, and monthly management. A PPC Manager from Search Engine Pros will help you improve your ROI. Our PPC campaign management services can help you turn your PPC efforts into effective revenue drivers.

Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Customer Base in 2014

Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Customer Base in 2014

Dear Friends,

Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope 2013 has been a great year for you and that everyone continues to realize the benefits of SEO and social media marketing in 2014. Many of our clients have benefitted from having an online marketing plan. If you’re not marketing online you’re missing out on one of the most effective ways of attracting customers and closing sales.

Here are the Top 10 ways to increase your customer base in 2014:

  1. Increase Your Google Ranking: Use our free Google rank analysis to find out where you are now, and learn how you can do better.
  2. Initiate a SEO Marketing Strategy: Search Engine Optimization is the fastest way to get found online. SEO copywriting provides you with unique and interesting content that generates rankings in the search engines, and boosts credibility levels with your customers.
  3. Try A Pay-Per-Click Initiative: Increase clicks to your site and decrease the cost of those clicks by optimizing your ad positions.
  4. Make Your Website Work Harder: Have Search Engine Pros conduct an objective site analysis and provide you with a free 30 page report that tells you how well your website is working.
  5. Use Email Marketing to Maintain Top-of-Mind Awareness: Send out powerful high impact monthly newsletters that remind prospects to buy.
  6. Ask for Referrals and Testimonials: Use the nice things that clients think about you to build credibility and increase sales.
  7. Optimize Website Code: Having Google Friendly Code is crucial to generating thousands of targeted visitors to your website every month. Simple edits can generate top rankings in 3-6 months’ time.
  8. Use Press Releases: Increase profits with search engine optimized press releases that attract media attention and engage consumers.
  9. Get Social: Social media marketing is the newer, better, faster way to reach customers.
  10. Convert Website Visitors to Customers: Use eye catching banners and embed powerful calls to action to lower bounce rates, boost conversions, increase time on site (which increases rankings) – and double your sales.

Search Engine Pros are trained across multiple disciplines, guiding you every step of the way, helping you maximize profits through a low cost, highly effective online marketing plancomprised of search marketingSEO marketingemail marketingand SEO enhanced press releases.  When you need a unique approach that brings results,  call on the Pros!

Find out more about using the internet to boost your sales in 2014 by inquiring via our contact form. You can beat your competitors with a well-defined web strategy, social media and web marketing.  Search Engine Pros can help you meet your online marketing goals. Outsource your online marketing to our team and let us show you how great 2014 can be.

From all of us at Search Engine Pros,

Happy Holidays and here’s to your business growth in 2014!

Taylor Reaume

Pay Per Click Marketing: 7 Smart Resources

Pay Per Click Marketing: 7 Smart Resources
It’s educational. It’s Informative. Join Us!
What: The Monday SEO workshop is a group of local business owners talking about how to generate more leads from their website via Google site optimization and pay per click. Attendees come to learn SEO and search engine marketing from other like-minded business owners who have developed effective internet marketing strategies.  When: Monday Nights 6pm-7pm Where: 112 W. Cabrillo BLVD Santa Barbara, CA 93101 More info: RSVP HERE
What’s The Topic This Week?
Pay Per Click Marketing: 7 Smart Resources Are you spending too much on your Google Adwords each month? Do you know how to track your spending to make such a determination? Do you have a clear strategy to outperform your competitors Adwords campaign? At the Nov 26th SEO Workshop, we’ll discuss 7 key resources related to Google Adwords marketing strategy. 1.
-What are your competitors spending?
-Which keywords do competitors have success with?
-Which landing pages are generating the best results? 2. Buy Keywords
-Use high commercial intent keywords
-How far down the buying process is the searcher? 3. Dynamic Landing Pages
-Your landing page must be relevant to your keyword.
-Optimize it like SEO.
-Put keywords in the title and headline.
-Follow all of Google’s guidelines for landing pages! 4. Local Keywords Tool
-Did you include local keywords?
-How much time should spend engineering keyphrases? 5. Call tracking
-How will track phone calls from PPC ads?
-Do you have a system set up for measuring ROI? 6. Analytics and Conversion Pages
-Which pages will record conversions?
-Are you recording email newsletter sign-ups? 7. PPC Ad Copy Formula: AIDA; Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
Headline = Attention/Interest (include keyword if possible)
1st line of ad copy = Interest/Desire (Include benefit)
2nd line of ad copy = Desire/Action (Include call to action)
Website URL = Action (include keyword if possible, or catchy words) We look forward to seeing you at the Santa Barbara Veterans Building from 6-7pm on Monday, November 26th.

“Why should I come to the SEO Workshop?”

At the SEO workshop you’ll pick up some handy tips on web site marketing strategy and also enjoy a networking opportunity with other local business owners. Bring your business cards, your lap top and an open mind.  We hope to see you at 6pm at 112 W. Cabrillo Blvd, The Santa Barbara Veterans Building, just a few steps from Sambos Restaurant. Please RSVP here

“How much does it cost?”

The meet up cost is $5.  Alternatively, you can pay with a Facebook Post recommending the group to friends.  We go to great lengths to prepare the workshops, and your support in helping us spread the word on Facebook is greatly appreciated.

Business Networking Opportunities In Santa Barbara
Contacts N Coffee: Great opportunity to network with other local businesses every Friday morning. visit here Goleta B2B Breakfast: Largest business breakfast mixer in Santa Barbara. First Tuesdays of every month. Earl Warren Showgrounds. visit here Santa Barbara Young Professionals: Business Networking with young entreprenuers. visit here TECH BREW: Brings together hundreds of local professionals, who gather to Exchange Ideas, Network, Form Alliances and Focus Technology and Business Growth in the Santa Barbara Region. visit here Locals That Rock: Social media smart group for advanced social media savvy business owners. visit here
Earn income with The Search Engine Pros
Affiliates: Simply sign up for our Affiliate Program and place our banners on your site to start earning monthly referral fees from us.   Sales Pros: If you would like to take your relationship with The Search Engine Pros to the next level and become a sales agent, please apply here.  If you pass our initial screening, we’ll get in touch to discuss your increased commission level. Writers: Do you have technical writing skills? We are hiring writers on temp to permanent basis at The Search Engine Pros. Apply Here. Graphic Designers: We have immediate openings for Graphic Designers. We are hiring graphic designers on temp to permanent basis at The Search Engine Pros. Apply Here. Social Media Experts: Can you curate content with the best of them?  We are hiring social media experts on temp to permanent basis at The Search Engine Pros. Apply Here. PPC Pros: Have you managed Google Adwords campaigns before?  We are hiring PPC experts on temp to permanent basis at The Search Engine Pros. Apply Here.
Get Online. Get Ranked.
Successful websites launch with 100 helpful articles In order to rank well on the internet’s largest search engines, you site must contain informative, original content that contains the relevant keywords from which you’d like to capture traffic. Part of the success of your business depends on your ability to generate top ranks on Google and other major search engines. Santa Barbara’s Only SEO Meetup Group Join us for an hour filled with interesting conversations about online business. With over 81% of consumers making purchasing decisions online, web sites are no longer optional. If you have a good product or service, then driving traffic to your site is a matter of SEO. Taylor Reaume, The Search Engine Pros Founder, will discuss:

Tired of roadblocks in your marketing campaigns? Does your web marketing team have the communication skills to help bring your visions to reality? The Search Engine Pros are practitioners of compassionate communication. Learn more about our web strategy and workshops hosted by Taylor Reaume. Subscribe to our blog for fresh articles.  If we can’t help, we know someone who can! Get a quoteWork with a team that cares for all the right things. Inquire today. 800.605.4988

629 State St. #204 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 800.605.4988 |

Pay Per Click Marketing: 3 Secrets To Success

Pay Per Click Marketing: 3 Secrets To Success
2012 05 21 02063800921

The Monday SEO Workshop is a group of local business owners talking about how to generate more leads from their website via google site optimization and pay per click. Attendees come to learn SEO and search engine marketing from other like-minded business owners who have developed effective internet marketing strategies.

When: Monday Nights 6pm-7pm 
Where: SANTA BARBARA VETERANS BUILDING (by Sambos) 112 W. Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara, CA 93101


“Pay Per Click Marketing: 3 Secrets To Success”

We will discuss the 3 major secrets to success in PPC marketing. Avoid making the common mistakes in Google Adwords marketing! Group members will share lessons learned with pay per click marketing.  Learn how to download our Local Keyword Research Excel Template.  

Many people try to go it alone with their PPC strategy, and that usually just isn’t going to cut it when you are swimming with the sharks on Google Adwords, you’ll lose your shirt quickly. 

Learn how to decrease your keywords’ cost-per-clicks (CPCs) and optimize your ad positions (more traffic for less cost). A smart PPC campaign manager will spend time researching competitors strengths and capitalizing on the best keywords in their campaigns. 

Don’t make the same mistake nearly 75% of PPC advertisers make, and send everyone to the homepage of your web site. 

Group members will share:

  • how to develop a keyword research report
  • how to find low cost, yet high traffic keywords with commercial intent
  • how to create compelling ad copy and split testing ads
  • how to adjust keyword bids to ensure maximum ROI
  • how to add negative keywords
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Business Networking Opportunities In Santa Barbara:

  • Contacts N Coffee: Great opportunity to network with other local businesses every Friday morning. visit here
  • Goleta B2B Breakfast: Largest business breakfast mixer in Santa Barbara. First Tuesdays of every month. Earl Warren Showgrounds. visit here
  • Santa Barbara Young Professionals: Business Networking with young entrepreneurs. visit here
  • TECH BREW: Brings together hundreds of local professionals, who gather to Exchange Ideas, Network, Form Alliances, and Focus Technology and Business Growth in the Santa Barbara Region. visit here

Successful websites launch with 100 helpful articles In order to rank well on the internet’s largest search engines, you site must contain informative, original content that contains the relevant keywords from which you’d like to capture traffic. Part of the success of your business depends on your ability to generate top ranks on Google and other major search engines.

oin us for an hour filled with interesting conversations about online business. With over 81% of consumers making purchasing decisions online, web sites are no longer optional. If you have a good product or service, then driving traffic to your site is a matter of SEO.

Taylor Reaume, The Search Engine Pros Founder, will discuss:

  • The latest cutting-edge marketing strategies, online and offline.
  • How to wine and dine the Google spider at your web site.
  • Discover 4 powerful SEO Tools to help increase visitors to your web site.

Santa Barbara’s Only SEO Meetup Group

Learn SEO and internet marketing strategies at the weekly SEO meetup. Every Thursday at The Eagle Inn in Santa Barbara, California, The Search Engine Pros offer an SEO class that teaches ethical SEO strategies. Share ideas with other local business owners who have developed innovative internet marketing strategies.

IF YOU ARE A MARKETER: Fellow marketing consultants and web designers are welcome to attend this meetup group provided they post a public Facebook post with a link to our meetup page on the day of the event.
IF YOU ARE A NON MARKETER: Rather than charging a door fee, we ask attendees to post a review on our Google page and Facebook page.

2011 06 03 232206 2

Adwords PPC Bid Management and Adwords Consultants

Adwords PPC Bid Management and Adwords Consultants

Adwords PPC Bid Management – 5 Common Mistakes You Should Know

Adwords consultants might seem to have very lucrative jobs. One has to be nearly perfect and there are no rooms for errors in this field. Errors in Adwords PPC Bid Management will lead to loss of business, and SEM professionals with self respect would never opt for such a situation. In this article, we shall be looking into some of the commonly made mistakes in pay per click advertising. By pointing out these mistakes, you are getting a chance to correct faulty procedures. This is applicable to the experienced and novice of the users.

Try to keep things simpler. This will be effective in the long term. Instead of juggling about with various services on a single SEM campaign, it will be better if you are able to distribute the workload. Some Adwords consultants implement search as well as content networks in unison. Although it will get the job done, it will be additional headache for your marketing manager if they use Adwords PPC Bid Management. The reporting on the performance will be tough to be assimilated. This is due to the difference in the rates of search and content networks. If possible, grouping should be resorted to. When grouping is implemented effective ads for each niche can be written.

The targeted keywords that are being implemented should be matched in nature; or in other words, it should be interrelated. There is a problem when google adwords consultants opt for board matches. In appropriate ads will be displayed because of this matching. In order to avoid such situations, it is better to set negative keywords. Such keywords will ensure that inappropriate ads are not being displayed and advertisements that are relevant to the content at hand are being displayed. The appropriate terms can be found easily with the help of numerous tools that are available for the taking. It might be a time consuming and cumbersome process for some, but it pays.

The keywords which are being used on the website can have either of the two effects – it will help in promoting the site or vice versa. The Google Adwords consultants should be adept in such a manner that they should be capable of analyzing the different keywords. With this analysis, they will be able to find the most highly performing keywords and discard those junk keywords that are pulling the site down in the page rank listings. The junk keywords can be displaced with newer more performing keywords. Such checks should be maintained frequently.

Variety is the spice if life – this holds true for this niche also. SEM professionals should take special care of this factor. The high performing ads if found, can be used for replicating purposes. In short, variations of the same ad can be used repeatedly so that the success rates are doubled or tripled. Juggling with the several high performing ads is more than ample for one to attain good search listings. Tracking of the performance, in Adwords PPC Bid Management although practiced by many must be kept on constant check. Dispersing the keywords in several groups will also be beneficial.

Pay per click advertising can seem overly complicated and complex, but it doesn’t have to be. By enlisting the help of internet marketing professionals, you can save your company time and money by ensuring that your campaigns are optimized. If you are over-bidding for certain keywords, bidding on the wrong keywords, or not receiving the kinds of sales you’d like because your conversion rates are low, then you might benefit from the help of advertising professionals who have brought internet marketing success to countless clients — The Search Engine Pros.

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