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When boosting your views on Youtube, avoid these mistakes:

1.)  Make Sure Your Videos Allow Embedding

If your viewers want to share your video on another platform, embedding your video will help them. Allowing this is a way to increase your viewership through an audience outside YouTube and gain favor with the algorithm.

2) Using Auto Generated Thumbnails

Your thumbnail is going to be your video’s first interaction with potential viewers. Think of the image as the driving force to get people to click on your video. You don’t have to be a pro at Photoshop to create great thumbnails either. Resources like Canva can help you create gorgeous or hilarious thumbnails in just a few, simple steps.   

Creating your own thumbnails can help viewers know what to expect from the video. By appealing to the elements of design, you can increase your viewership and draw new viewers into your channel.  

It is no secret that thumbnails are a massive factor when it comes to driving up the views of your video.  9 out of 10 trending videos on YouTube use a custom thumbnail. The title and description give the viewer a reasonable estimate of what they should expect from a particular video because they will see the first thing. Thumbnails that stand out use four significant colors: blue, orange, green, and yellow. These colors stand out from the typical black, red, and white YouTube layout colors, so they pop out from the screen. Do not shy away from text on your thumbnail to inform your audience about your video with huge keywords. Use high-quality images to entice your audience further.

3) Not Including More Suggested Videos Throughout Your Videos

Similar to backlinks in blog posts, creating YouTube cards that suggest similar videos to your viewers will give them something to watch after the current video is over. Backlinking to your past videos ensures that you are creating consistent content. It also guarantees the videos are cycling through viewers’ feeds at all times.

If you need help with your web strategy, text me at 805-453-9674

Smile, it’s Contagious!

Taylor Reaume
Marketing Automation Consultant