Internet Marketing Search Engine Specialist Must-Dos

Google Keyword Research Tips

Google has a variety of commands to sharpen your Google search experience. Some are very useful, other quite worthless. These query tools are largely unknown to the general public. If you are an internet marketing search engine specialist you probably know these tools like the back of your hand. These syntax commands are particularly useful to speed up the Research Process on the largest search engines.  Use these commands to gain a deeper understanding about a site. If you’d like to understand every one of them, just search for: Google commands and you may for sure find what you’re looking for.  In particular, this page is very helpful: The following Google Keyword Research Tips from The Search Engine Pros, a prominent Internet Marketing Search Engine Specialist, will help your business achieve its internet goals.

Every Internet Marketing Search Engine Specialist Should Know these common Google Keyword Research Tips:


Type in Google search: and you will see which pages of your web site are indexed.

This analysis is very important, either to

1. understand how good the spider indexed your web site

If your web site is 1.000 pages and Google sees only 300 pages you have a problem!  If  it shows 1.000 pages but most of them appear in the omitted results also you have a problem. These Google Keyword Research Tips will help you improve your search engine ranking.

2. measure your competitors web site.

Of course you can’t know how many pages your competitor really has, but generally speaking a web site with much more pages than yours is stronger competitor.


Type in Google search: and you will see a page with a picture of your web site and on the top a bunch of information.

This command gives a quick understanding of what the spider sees of your (or your competitor) web site. The most important information it give is the date of the last visit of the spider. To be honest this value is not correct because if you check your own logs you will probably see that the spider crawled your page more recently than what this value says.

That said, for the purpose of discovering if the spider likes to visit your competitor’s web site it’s very useful. If you notice that a web page was last time visited one year ago it means very clearly that it’s not such an important page for most search engines. You will be astonished to see how badly some web sites are made and how obvious it is that they can’t perform on search engines! One of the most fundamental Google Keyword Research Tips is to engage in SEO friendly web design!

One of the important goals in SEO is updating your site consistently with fresh content — this is one of the most fundamental Google Keyword Research Tips. The reason you want to have fresh content on your site is not just to please to your visitors and enhance credibility, it’s also a great way to get the spider coming back to your web site. The more often the Google Spider visits your website – the higher ranks you will get, which equals more sales and revenue and of course ultimately more love and happiness in your life. This is why you should rotate articles on your homepage every week, or worst case, every month.


Type in Google search: and you will discover a results page with all the web pages linking to your web site.

Google doesn’t show all the incoming links. Don’t ask me the reason why the large search engines have chosen only to pick some incoming links but only a small amount of links are shown and very often these are not the most important links.

The only way to bypass this odd behaviour is to switch to Yahoo to make this kind of incoming link analysis. Just go to Yahoo search and type: link: and you will get the list of all incoming links to your web site home page.

To be precise yahoo has two possible commands: link and linksite. The first, described above indicates only links to your home page. The second ( shows all links to your web site. A very important point to consider in your link building strategy is also the link deepness. The deeper your links into a web site the more natural the links appear and the more valuable they will be considered from search engines. What do I mean by deep links? Deep links simply refers to the inbound links you have pointing to your inner web site pages.  Everyone has links pointing to their homepage, yes, but not everyone has links pointing to their inner pages as well, this is the mark of a truly valuable website in Google’s eyes and is something that every internet marketing search engine specialist should routinely be doing. This relates to PR (Page Rank). You want each of your web pages to be a PR 5 or Higher. High PR comes from lots of quality inbound links to your site.

In 2010, search engines are placing huge importance on inbound link counts. This is because it is the one thing spammer and black hat marketers can’t do effectively. Obtaining links is hardcore labor, and it usually only comes over time with gradual and natural growth of your site.

Two other links on this topic which you may find of interest are:

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