7 Key Ways to Increase Web Site Traffic

Unhappy with number of visitors reaching your website? Increase web site traffic with these 7 simple steps.

1. Online Press Release

*Write a Press Release around target keywords each Month and submit it to the top 20 Article Marketing Web Sites. SEO article marketing is something that very few webmasters utilize and is indeed a great way to increase web site traffic.

2. Keyword Rich Article Library

*Install (10+) SEO Articles (Optimized & Keyword Rich) on your web site and update your site maps (XML + site map), develop 5 backlinks per week to each article using keyword anchor text

3. Social Networking

*Social Media SEO is considered the cutting edge of internet marketing and can help you drive real, sustainable visitors to your website. A webmaster can increase web site traffic by taking advantage of the massive social network available to him or her through sites like Facebook and Twitter, where literally millions of people are mere mouse clicks away.

Each social site will have 2 modules on your topic and up to 3 links of your choosing. Promote via social bookmarking

* Create Squidoo lense and make 500 word post with target keywords each week

* Create Word Press Blog and make 500 word post with target keywords each week

* Create Facebook Page, add 5 colleagues per week, make 500 word post with target keywords each week

* Create Linked In, add 5 colleagues per week, make 500 word post with target keywords each week

* Create Twitter, add 5 colleagues per week, make post with target keywords each day

* Create Myspace, add 5 colleagues per week, make 500 word post with target keywords each week

* Create Hubpages and make 500 word post with target keywords each week

4. Video Marketing Links

* Create a weekly powerpoint video around a niche keyword and post to video sharing sites with targeted keywords, targeted description.  Upload to Youtube channel, Google videos, Yahoo videos, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Live Video Sharing Sites. SEO videos are a great way to increase web site traffic because videos are so viral. Getting a few thousands views on YouTube takes less effort than getting a few hundred views through traditional means.

5. Blog Commenting Links & Forum Commenting Links

Blogs and forums are excellent for garnering links and pageviews. If you don’t have the time to handle this yourself — it is very time intensive — then a forum posting service can help you quickly increase web site traffic. Link building strategy is an important part of internet marketing and should not be ignored by any webmaster hoping to increase web site traffic.

* Find various high PR blogs related to your niche, and make a helpful comment with target keywords

* Find various high PR forums related to your niche, and make a helpful comment with target keywords

6. RSS Directories

* Submit all RSS Feeds to RSS Directories each week

7. Mastermind Group

* Research and locate your top 5 complimentary business partners.  i.e Estate Attorneys – Cpa’s, Parenting Websites, Life Insurance Agents, Schools, etc.

There are a multitude of ways to increase web site traffic; it doesn’t have to be a tedious or arduous process. The seven tips outlined above are simple steps that can be completed in a matter of days and might result in a visitors increase by an order of magnitude. If you are struggling to attract visitors to your website — worse yet, if you are struggling to attract consistent visitors to your website — then the tips above can help you increase web site traffic.

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