Although marketing is a year-round endeavor opportunities sometimes come along that you shouldn’t miss. Associating your business with a holiday can increase your chances of search engine optimization. Many consumers are searching for variations of “St. Patrick’s Day” key phrases on Google, and this presents a unique opportunity to catch their eye and lead them to your web site. Social media tie-ins can be used by both B2B and B2C marketers. Here are some tips for marketing your business with social media on St. Patrick’s Day:
- Expand Your Reach: Don’t stop at posting a nice blog about how your business ties in with the holiday. Post a Facebook update and photo with a link to your article, Tweet about it, send it to your Google+ circle, and find a great picture to link to it on Pinterest. Social media content that includes mention of a holiday helps increase engagement with your target audience, and don’t forget the hashtags!
- Make It Relevant: Social media is a conversation that should not just be about your business. Make it relevant to your target audience. Offer a useful tip, insider info, or short piece of news that helps your audience use your product or service more effectively and you will increase engagement and improve the potential for sharing.
- Build on What’s Happening in Your Community: If your target market is in a community that has a big St. Patrick’s Day parade or celebrates the holiday in some other way, try to find a way for your marketing to build on that. For example, a sign company could post about the best signs in the St. Patrick’s Day parade or a florist might write about the perfect flowers for a St. Joseph’s Day table.
- Content Marketing Works: A constant stream of relevant information is required from your business to stay top of mind, generate top search engine results and drive website traffic. Be straightforward, encourage sharing, and tell audience members what action you want them to take.
- Social Media Works for B2B and B2C: Don’t think that your business can’t use social media because of who your customers are. Although it might seem more obvious for B2C to work ideas around a holiday, that doesn’t leave out the B2B marketers entirely. Think about what the holiday represents and how it ties in with what your customers need. Sending holiday greetings with valuable information is both powerful and effective. Most businesses are leaving out the “valuable” part – make sure you are adding value with your content.
In order to rank well on the internet’s largest search engines, your social media sites must contain informative, original content that contains the relevant keywords from which you’d like to capture traffic. Part of the success of your business depends on your ability to generate top ranks on Google and other major search engines.
Successful businesses today are creating remarkable content for their blog, and re-purposing the content to their social media channels. By consistently adding value to your target audience, you’ll stay top of mind, and increase loyalty levels.
Search Engine Pros can help your company utilize social media more efficiently to achieve its internet traffic and revenue goals. Marketing your business effectively with social media will increase the number of coins in your pot o’ gold!